• I pined after the small-town life I saw on “Gilmore Girls” while growing up in the suburbs.
  • I eventually moved to a quaint town in Vermont, where I’m now raising my daughters.
  • From the local diner to a slew of interesting characters, living here is as wonderful as I hoped.

I was I high schooler living in the suburbs when “Gilmore Girls” premiered, and I watched it every week. Though I didn’t necessarily want to be Rory or Lorelai, I did covet one aspect of their life: Stars Hollow.

From where I was sitting, their small New England town — with all its quirks — looked like the perfect place to live. In my mid-20s, I felt drawn enough to this idea that I took the plunge and moved to southern Vermont.

Over a decade later, I’ve found that small-town life actually is similar to Stars Hollow.

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