Newsletter Friday, September 20
  • As graduation season approaches, a new wave of hopeful college grads look toward the future.
  • Two college seniors share their feelings about graduating and the gifts on their wishlist.
  • From gift cards to new laptops, these are the items college seniors want to help them transition into their next chapter.

When Leor H. started university in 2020 during COVID-19, his parents weren’t allowed to step foot in his dorm because of safety restrictions. They drove him all the way from Boston to his university in New Brunswick, Canada, dropped him off, and went home. 

“Basically, we said goodbye, and he went into his dorm, and I didn’t see his dorm for quite some time,” his mom Danya H. said. 

Now, as Leor and his other 2024 classmates get ready to graduate, they eagerly anticipate the in-person experiences they may have missed during their early years of college, like on-site jobs, family time, and travel. Relatives, friends, and colleagues can support these seniors by being there to help them navigate their next steps and by giving gifts that can help them achieve their goals. 

Planning for post-grad life 

Leor, a psychology student preparing to become a behavioral therapist for children with autism, plans to take a gap year to enjoy time with his family and travel solo through Asia before pursuing a master’s degree. Useful gifts like a travel backpack, new set of AirPods, or Apple Gift Card for flexible purchases would be great for his upcoming adventures.

Leor is looking forward to celebrating graduation with his parents, siblings, and grandmother who are driving up from Boston to join in on the occasion. While he’s excited about the future, he admits he also feels nervous about leaving college. 

“There is some anxiety there, really not knowing what that next stage is going to look like,” he said. “But at the end of the day, it’s very bittersweet where I’m both excited about what’s next but also sad about where I’m leaving.”

Feelings of confusion or sadness about graduation are not uncommon, but his mom assures him that it’s okay to embrace the unknown. Her advice to her son and other college students is that you don’t need an exact plan when you graduate.

“I think most [young adults] have so much wisdom and knowledge, and they don’t need to also figure everything out in their early twenties,” she said. “I don’t think Leor needs all of the answers. I just love that he comes to us with good questions.”

Entering the professional world 

Emma Z., a senior at a university in New York City, also has mixed emotions about graduation. She’s hoping to take a short break after college before starting a job in the city as a marketing and partnerships coordinator in the fashion industry. Long term, she sees herself becoming a marketing executive or starting her own firm.

Throughout her college years, Emma balanced her studies with marketing and social media internships, gaining experience with fashion and jewelry brands. Working as a freelance stylist, she also created visuals for editorial campaigns.

“I’ll definitely miss the flexibility of being a student and having a day-to-day student schedule, but I’m excited to go into a career,” Emma said. 

As Emma transitions to professional life, she values the guidance from mentors and colleagues at her current jobs. She said a new purse for the office or an updated MacBook would smooth the switch from student life to the workforce. Apple Gift Card could go toward a new MacBook or give her the freedom to fund whatever she chooses — ranging from stylish accessories to crucial apps to iCloud+ storage — setting her up to start her next life chapter on the right foot.

Shop Apple Gift Card here. Give the gift of everything Apple.

This post was created by Insider Studios with Apple Gift Card. 

Read the full article here

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