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Delaware auto insurance laws state that you must have an active car insurance policy to drive a vehicle on public roads. This is common for most states, but Delaware is especially strict, dishing out substantial fines for even first-time offenders. In addition, lacking adequate coverage can force you to pay out of pocket for expenses related to a car accident and may also expose you to the risk of being sued by other affected parties. Paying your car insurance premium will seem like a much better deal once you learn about all the potential negative consequences of driving without insurance in Delaware.

Delaware auto insurance laws

Delaware drivers must carry minimum levels of personal liability insurance, which includes bodily injury coverage and property damage liability coverage. The minimum insurance requirements are abbreviated as 25/50/10 and include the following amounts:

  • $25,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per person
  • $50,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per accident
  • $10,000 in property damage liability coverage per accident

You may also be wondering if Delaware is a no-fault state. No-fault states may have additional insurance requirements, such as personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, which helps pay for injuries, lost wages and necessary household services for you and your passengers if you’re in an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Although Delaware is not technically a no-fault state, it does require drivers to have PIP insurance with the following minimum limits:

  • $15,000 in PIP per person
  • $30,000 in PIP per accident

Individuals who own and register more than 15 vehicles may also qualify for self-insurance. If you wish to pursue this option, you will need to provide evidence that you have the financial resources to pay out on claims filed against you or your drivers.

Penalties for driving without insurance in Delaware

Driving without insurance in Delaware carries serious penalties. If you are found to be driving without insurance, you could receive a fine of at least $1,500 for a first offense. For each subsequent offense committed within three years, you could be fined $3,000. After two or more offenses, you could face driver’s license suspension for up to six months.

To ensure that drivers have proper insurance coverage, Delaware uses an online verification system to randomly audit vehicles. This makes it easier to catch drivers who do not have insurance and therefore, reduces the number of uninsured drivers on the road.

If you are audited and found to be driving without proper insurance coverage, you will likely be required to pay a fine. When you do obtain the required coverage, a prior lapse will likely result in higher premiums and you may be considered a high-risk driver, costing you more in the long run. The table below includes the fines you may receive for some of the most common violations:

Reason for penalty Fee amount
Driving without insurance (first offense) $1,500
Driving without insurance (second offense) $3,000
Lapse in insurance coverage $100
Outdated registration $50

What if you provide false insurance information?

As you’ve just learned, the fines for driving without insurance in Delaware are steep — but attempting to fake it comes with even harsher consequences. Providing false insurance information is punishable with a maximum fine of $10,000 and potentially up to two years in jail. Auto insurance fraud may include anything from falsely reporting where your vehicle is garaged to overstating the value of repairs or replacement costs following an accident. It may also include providing information to law officials or others on a policy that has lapsed or is inactive.

Getting into an accident without insurance in Delaware

If you cause an accident in Delaware and you do not have insurance, the consequences are a bit nuanced for this state. An at-fault driver will be responsible for reimbursing the other involved driver for their vehicle repairs, plus any medical expenses that are not covered by their PIP policy. Delaware also allows drivers to sue, even with PIP, which means you could also be responsible for covering your legal fees and a settlement if you are found guilty.

Although some states require drivers to obtain an SR-22 if they cause an accident after driving without insurance or receive another serious moving violation, Delaware is one of the few states that does not have this requirement. However, you still will need to purchase the minimum requirements as set by the state.

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