Newsletter Sunday, September 8

Amalia Goodwin, Managing Director Slalom Consulting. AI strategy leader, organizational transformation expert, author, and public speaker.

AI is here now, as are its effects on our work and daily lives. Tech giants offering fast-paced releases are pushing organizations, governments and the world into deciding how we collectively want to incorporate AI into our lives. Whether you’re a startup set to disrupt every industry or a legacy organization determining how it will use AI to stay competitive, you’ve likely faced the question of how to responsibly incorporate AI and integrate this pace of change in your company’s day-to-day work.

Staying ahead of the pace of change is not easy for any company, and it is common to feel as though we’re falling behind the competition due to AI. But I take comfort in knowing that even a leading AI tech company has faced challenges with this rapid change, and they still came out ahead. Let’s take a closer look at the case study of Microsoft and what lessons we can learn for our own businesses.

Adaptive Leadership Displayed At Microsoft

Recent news stories stemming from discovery documents in a Google lawsuit have highlighted that Microsoft was “caught off guard” by advancements in natural language processing and LLM models. What I see in this coverage is a master lesson in adaptive leadership—an important skill for staying competitive in a fast-changing landscape.

Adaptive leadership is a practical framework for assisting leaders and organizations in changing environments. It involves not only anticipating and reacting to changes but also managing and leading through them in innovative and inclusive ways. From what we can see in the news coverage, Microsoft demonstrated key adaptive leadership skills that business leaders in any industry can develop. I believe that in the face of the uncertainty we are currently experiencing due to technological advancements, economic fluctuations and global affairs, it is important for leaders to be willing to change and develop these leadership skills to bring our organizations into the future.

The recent actions of Microsoft embody the model of adaptive leadership in two key areas:

1. Leading With Vulnerability

Microsoft’s internal acknowledgment that they were behind in a critical technology and that this technology is a game changer required a culture of leading with vulnerability and safety. They admitted they were behind the competition, expressed concern and focused on addressing the problem and finding a solution rather than blaming individuals. Microsoft may have been caught off guard this time, but the rapid pace of technological change makes it likely that we all will face similar challenges at some point.

In my experience, this approach is important for success in a disruptive technological landscape. As a business leader, ask yourself these questions:

• Have you created an environment where your team members feel safe sharing risks and opposing points of view?

• How often do you hear opposing ideas from your team members?

A practical way to apply these questions in your workplace is by incorporating a “What Could Go Wrong” session into your team processes. This session should be implemented after a team agrees to a course of action, allowing them to get together and brainstorm what could go wrong with that course and what they will do if they see indicators that they may be on the wrong track. I have found that holding these sessions, as well as rewarding and celebrating team members who come up with the most out-of-the-box or thoughtful ideas, is a great way to encourage more of this forward-thinking behavior in a team’s day-to-day work.

2. Willingness To Change Course And Innovate

When Microsoft executives realized the significance of the new technology and that they were lagging behind competitors, they acted. Although we don’t know all the details, we know that the team aligned to a new course of action and was able to quickly move forward and form a relationship with OpenAI.

This decision to pivot and invest in a new direction is critical to adaptive leadership. Leaders must be willing to continually explore new developments and change course if necessary. This can be challenging when emotional attachments and budget investments are involved, but it’s essential for staying competitive.

The outcome for Microsoft—a steady rise in stocks after announcing its investment in AI—demonstrates that acknowledging you are behind and changing course can allow you to still come out ahead. To determine if your own company has a similar mindset, ask these questions:

• Are your leaders scanning what your competition is doing to understand the impact to your business? How willing are you to change course and invest in a different direction from your current strategy?

• What information, data or support would you need to lead your organization on a different path?

A great way to encourage a mindset of expecting and being ready for change is by incorporating a “What’s Next?” session into your monthly meeting cadence. Ask each team member to suggest what they think is coming up next in terms of innovation or disruption. This can not only encourage adaptive thinking but also help you gain insights into what your team members are seeing competitors and adjacent industries doing that could be useful for helping your company stay competitive.

Embracing Adaptive Leadership For Future Success

Adaptive leadership is an effective strategy for navigating the complexities of today’s business landscape, especially with the rapid development of AI. While Microsoft found themselves behind, they were able to regroup and make a strategic pivot, securing a leading position in the AI space. I believe this example underscores the importance of recognizing risks and making bold decisions to stay ahead of the competition.

By adopting principles of adaptive leadership, business leaders can better navigate the uncertainties of the future, driving innovation and maintaining a competitive edge. How will you recognize risk and make strategic decisions to lead?

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?

Read the full article here

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